Permaculture design training for Sushila and Kusumi

Sushila, our local project manager and Kusumi, one of the leading ladies of the Musahar community, went to a 14-days permaculture design course in Kathmandu.

This course gave them a lot of new insights about how to optimise the organic farm in Chitwan and how to make a detailed long-term plan. They learned many different aspects of permaculture, like soil management, the use of natural fertilisers, vegetable and herb farming, the use of food forests, how to create ponds and what animals can contribute to create a 100% organic farm (cows, chickens, goats and bees).

The eco-friendly soap factory is also part of the permaculture design as all different parts are interlinked and part of the Eco Village concept. They also learned how to market the products. At the end of the course they received a certificate. Both ladies feel very proud and are looking forward to sharing their knowledge with the other Musahar women.